Final Fantasy Xiii Fang

Most Effective Eidolon TacticsAll Eidolon BattlesOkay, for any whom don't know this yet, there is actually a very easy way to figure out what each character's Eidolon is most affected by - remember their three primary roles:Snow (Shiva) - Sentinel, Commando, RavagerLightning (Odin) - Commando, Ravager, MedicSazh (Brynhildr) - Synergist, Ravager, CommandoFang (Bahamut) - Sentinel, Saboteur, CommandoHope (Alexander) - Synergist, Ravager, MedicVanille (Hecatoncheir) - Saboteur, Ravager, MedicNot all are necessarily in that order, but those are the most affective ways to 'hit' the Eidolons. It doesn't actually guarantee an easier fight, but at least you don't have to struggle to find the best ways to beat them.Note.

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Since the chain gauge is key in EVERY Eidolon battle, Ravagers are your main focus and are THE most effective. The other roles really only need be used when prompted. Staggering EnemiesIf you want to stagger your enemy's quickly use this little trick: Always hit them with relentless assault first till you get the stagger meter up to about 30% after that the chain gauge will fall slower.Then switch to dualcasting which drives the chain gauge up must faster. When you need to heal use a paradine like War and Peace to keep one member attacking keeping the chain gauge up. Once you have staggered your enemy switch back to relentless assault this drains the HP much quicker than dualcasting.On stronger enemies it's a good idea to cast libra or use a librascope on them so your AI characters use the most effective attacks.

Using this method will take out just about any enemy. The exception is on enemy's that are immune to physical attacks, use the same method to drive up the chain gauge just don't switch back to relentless assault after stagger just keep casting away. Pefect DefensesTo get the perfect defense for physical damage only 2 people get the ability Hope and FangHope: you need the weapon that gives him no magic at all then fully upgrade the power gloves to the kaiser knucklesx4Fang: give her the dragoons lance and the four kaiser knucklesThe perfect magical defense can only be obtained by 2 people Snow and Fang againSnow: give him the weapon that gives him no strength at all and fully upgrade 4 sorcerers marks to magisteel crestsFang: give her the shamanic spear and the four magisteel crests. CP Farming guide (Post Game)Items Needed: Growth Eggs (only recomended)Locale: Taijins Tower Second and Third Teir (All Teirs must be connected for this to work properly.

This can be done at the Apex.)If you are up to it you should fight the mobs out side that are en-route to the tower. Its a nice bump in CPOnce inside the tower go the the Second Teir. Go the the first opening on your left and clear the mobs in all of the rooms. Once that is done go out the way you came in (pretend you are going to the elevator) but instead of turning to the elevator make a left. There is another opening with a mob of five inside that you should kill.

Go up the stairs at which time you will be faced with two choices.A: Go BACK downstairs to see if the add of five has respawned. If so kill them again for an extra 16000 CP (8000 w/o Growth Egg). Once done go back upstairs and kill the other two sets of adds.B: Just continue and kill the two sets of adds.Keep in mind that the mob of five doesnt always respawn and that regardless of what you do you should always kill the two sets of mobs upstairs (that is the third teir and that is why all the teirs need to be attached to each other).after killing those mobs go back downstairs and clear all of the Second Teir again. Once you are finished take the elevator back down to the Ground Teir and then back up to the Second Teir. Rinse and repeat.CP gained (with Growth Egg) - 118800CP gained (w/o Growth Egg) - 59400CP gained (Growth Egg and extra mob) - 134800CP gained (w/o Growth Egg or extra mob - 75400.

Obtain BOTH treasure spheres in EdenLeviathan PlazaFor those of you (myself included) whom previously fell for the 'fact' that incorrectly states only ONE treasure sphere in the Leviathan Plaza in Eden is obtainable, the truth is.they BOTH are, but only under one condition:The towering Adamantortoise MUST be defeated for this to work. Simply position Vanille as your party leader and make sure you have her 'Death' ability (unless you'd rather fight like no tomorrow with VERY slim chances of winning).

Now, enter the battle and summon Hecatoncheir. This will, as stated by many, in fact make it fall to the ground.

Once it's down, inflict a few status ailments on it (or at least 'Imperil') and then go for it with 'Death' until it succumbs. Don't worry about staggering it, because I found out it's NOT necessary to achieve this. If all goes well, the Adamantortoise could very well stumble within the first three attempts (the very first time, I got it in one shot!XD)Now, after it's defeated, run over onto the glass bottom and you can obtain both treasure spheres, since the Adamantortoise that would have shattered the glass (thus preventing access to the second sphere) is no longer there.Note.

If you fail to do this and try to obtain the treasure spheres, you will only get one and the other will be removed by said enemy. Easy CP and Weapon GrindingLeviathan Plaza - EdenFirstly, this is better tried once the final boss has been defeated.Pick Vanille as your party leader with Fang and Hope at your side. Equip Vanille with Debuff enhancing equipment (Belladonna Wand is a must!) Make sure Vanille has the Death ability unlocked before attempting this.Select your default Paradigm as Espionage (SAB+SAB+SYN) with Vanille and Fang as Saboteurs and be sure to have a TP of 3 or more.Now find the Adamantoise walking around (this shouldn't take too long) and commence battle. Immediately initiate Vanille's Eidolon, doing so will knock this mighty creature to its knees. Immediately after the Eidolon is summoned activate Gestalt mode and hit it with Gaian Salvo (Y Button).Once the cutscene is over, enter in to the abilities menu and continuously cast Death until the creature succumbs.This may take a few tries but eventually you will be successful and for a few minutes work you will be rewarded with 40,000 CP and if you are lucky a Platinum Ingot worth 150,000 GIL.

Now, fight the enemies around this area to build your TP back to 3 and save your game. Quit your game and reload your save file and hey presto - another Adamantoise has appeared for you to slaughter. Repeat this process as much as possible to improve your characters and to really make the most of the CP points offered, equip one character with the 'Growth Egg' to receive a whopping 80,000 CP points a kill!A rare drop for this creature is a Trapezohedron which is a component used to create ultimate weapons for all characters. In the R&D shop these cost a staggering 2,000,000 GIL, and seeing as you need 6 of these for the Treasure Hunter achievement, you may want to pay attention to my next tip!Once you have obtained a Trapezohedron DO NOT USE IT! Contra legacy of war gameplay video game.

Instead of using this to create an ultimate weapon for your favourite Commando, you will benefit greatly to use this on a weapon for Vanille or Fang. The reason behind this is simple - grind one of their weapons to level 100 (Kain's Lance or Nirvana) and dismantle.

I know this sounds crazy but for your 1,500,000 GIL investment into creating this full upgraded weapon, you will be rewarded with 3 Trapezohedrons! With a value of 6,000,000 GIL - more than trebling your original investment.As an added bonus you will also receive some other components worth 216,000 GIL - NICE!. Cp Farming (Advanced)Archylte Steppe Northern HighplainFirst of all you need a reasonable amount of strength and magic, then as you are about to leave the Archylte Ateppe you should see two monsters having a little fight approach these two monster and attack you will always get a pre-emptive strike then quickly kill the behemoth king and the the big dog thing if you have reasonable strength this fight should only take 10-15 seconds. Afterwards you will receive 6,600 cp points then run back to the nearby save point (maybe a bit further beyond the save point) then run back and fight again for a quick way to gain cp.If you own the growth egg obtained after completing mission 55 then you will gain double Cp and receive 13,200 Cp points.Hope this helps you all struggling for Cp. Enemy CircleEnemy CircleOnce Snow is instructed to take Hope's father into the back room, an enemy assault takes place. You are in the circular portion of Hope's house, and there are enemies to your left and right. The safe door containing Hope's father and Snow is in front of you.

DO NOT ENTER IT!! Instead, defeat the enemies on your right, then your left, save, upgrade and take care of whatever else is necessary. Once both squads of enemies are dead, head to the right along the longest hallway. Once you reach the end and take the left corner, the original left group of enemies will re-spawn. This is a continuous cycle (I am doing it right now, and have been for an hour). Keep Lightning and Fang as Commandos and Hope as a Ravager.

If you get 5 star ratings on the enemy groups, you often receive Incentive Credits (sold for 2,500 gil a piece). This makes for a great way to make fast money, as well as level up character's paradigm roles and weapons/accessories. Final Fantasy XIII Combat TipBattleThis is confirmed to work with at least two commands in the game, but may work with others.For Lightning's 'Army Of One' which is a Ravager command, as such is great for raising stagger gauge, but does little damage.

When using the command, watch for the text appearing on screen to signify the start of the combo.When this happens, quickly switch to a paradigm where Lightning is in the Commando role. This will not interrupt the combo, and will increase the attack power, for me, the increase is from around 2000 per hit, to around 16000 per hit.This same strategy works with Vanilles 'Death' move, which, when equipped with a Genji glove can cause up to 999,999 damage to a staggered enemy. Tips On How to Keep Chain (Stagger) Gauge From Resetting, How to Achieve and Use StaggerOften, when fighting big enemies with a huge HP bar, Stagger is indispensable. But a lot of times, it's hard to get the chain gauge started, especially on weaker enemies, because their Stagger goes back down to 100% very fast. The way to keep it going up takes a little practice, but will be very handy in finishing fights fast.


First, it is necessary to make all of your party members go into commando or ravager (this is usually labeled Relentless Attack or something of the likes in the Paragdim menu). Then, go to auto-attack, and attack your desired enemy. Then, go auto-attack again, but instead of attacking right away, highlight the enemy, but do not push X. Wait until your other party members finish their attacks, and then launch yours. After that, keep attacking as fast as you can.

This times your party's attacks so that there is a continuous stream of attacks as opposed to a lot of attacks at once. So whenever the chain starts to go down, another attack forces it to go up, thus stopping it from resetting to 100%. As the Chain Gauge gets higher, it takes longer to reset, so you can afford taking a bit of damage from other enemies.

In Stagger, the enemy will often not move, but bigger foes will. What Stagger really does is knocks down all of the enemies defenses and makes them very vulnerable to any attack. The instant you get to the Stagger percentage, a big flash will announce Stagger, and your enemy will glow yellow. Any enemy that is Staggered will also have their name appear in a yellow capsule when you have to select a target for an attack as opposed to a blue one. When Stagger is activated, the Chain Gauge bar doubles as a timer. The bar is filled to start, and slowly depletes. When the bar is completely gone, Stagger has reset.

And if the enemy survives until a Stagger reset, then that enemy must be strong, so take advantage of your Medic here (it is advantageous to have both Vanille and Hope as Medics) until your party's health is back up. Then go into Relentless Attack mode again, and achieve Stagger as soon as possible. Easy way to beat Eidolons Shiva Sisters and OdinThe Eidolons are probably one of the hardest opponents you'll come across, but the good news is, if you beat them, they'll join you as FF13's new summons.

Here's how to beat the first two you'll come across.note. Each Eidolon fight is set to a certain amount of time portrayed above the character's head. You MUST complete the challenge in that time or you'll have to retry.Shiva Sisters:To beat the Shiva sisters, you should have the role 'Sentinel' by now. When the Shiva sister leaves herself open, strike while you can. This won't raise her gestalt gauge much, but it will help a little at least.Then, when you see her throw her hands out and her weapon spins above her head, active Sentinel now.

Then, right when she goes to strike, use Guard (or whatever the ability is) to defend from her attack. This will cause the gauge to rise VERY noticeably. Continue this process with good timing, and you'll have the sisters as a your first summon.Don't worry about the other sister watching the battle. She won't strike, but she will continuously heal you so you can't lose unless you fail to fill the gauge.note. Only Snow can summon the sisters, as each character has one summon specific to them.Odin:Odin was much easier than the Shiva sisters. All you have to do is make sure you have a paradigm with 'Commando' and 'Ravager', as he's weak against magic, which the Ravager uses. It wouldn't hurt to occasionally active a paradigm with 'Medic' in it, but always make sure you switch back to Ravager as soon as necessary.In this particular fight, it's okay to attack head on with the Commando, mostly due to your Ravager inflicting great damage with their magical attacks.

Synchronize your attacks witht the Ravager just right, and you will claim victory of this Eidolon in just a few minutes at most.note. Odin can only be summoned by Lightning. Quick access to weaknesses in battleIf you have a hard time inflicting physical damage on an enemy, chances are it's weakened by elemental attacks. Thus, be sure you have a Ravager on the field for one.Now, to easily access an enemy's elemental weakness in-battle, all you have to do is press RB, and the screen revealing information on the currently targeted opponent will appear. This is most helpful in fights like the one against the mini-boss at the start of Disc 2.note. You'll need to use the techniqe 'Libra' in order to uncover the aforementioned information.Final Fantasy XIII Unlockables.