Horse Isle Eternal

Angleton is about to Celebrate Founder's Day and ProfMarathon needs your help in getting everything ready. She asks you to go to LadyLitmusTitre who is next door to the city Hall and ask about the Fireworks. LadyLitnusTitre tells you she needs you pick up a few things for her. Go to the Angleton General store to get paperboard cylinders.

Next is Chemicals from LordCobalt in his home on Marshy. Then MissFlameSan lives on snowflake Isle and has aluminum shavings and wire. Return all the Items to LadyLitmusTitre then return to ProfMarathon. Guitarlass's anniversary with her boyfriend is coming up and since they cannot afford a big vacation they are going to stay at home and have a staycation.

She asks you to go check the rates at the inn in Angleton Inn and make dinner reservations for her there. Talk to MrSteadyOn at the Inn and he offers to trade GuitarLass 2 hours performance for one night Room and Dinner. You also ask him about interesting things to do in Angleton for the couple and he suggests cooking classes.

Quests I-L  Icy's Lost Butt. 300 quest points and an old lady's eternal appreciation! HORSE ISLE: Dig at the right side of the pond you are currently at. Next, head up to Equestrian Park and dig at the pond that's to the northeast. Go up to Earton and dig at the small pond across from the Fishing Shop.

Talk to LadyParmigiana in the Angleton Inn and find out she does offer cooking classes and suggests a medical lecture for another fun thing to do. Talk DrFairField in Angleton Vet and find out she gives Kectures and she suggests a Guided Trail Ride as a fun thing to do. Talk to MissMares at the Angleton Livery to find out she does Give trail rides and she suggests Stargazing. Talk to ProffessorStarlight in the Angleton General store to find out She does teach astronomy. Tonka town construction site. Return to GuitarPickLass with all of the information you found out/. You'll need 3 pumpkins which are grown on ranches, 1 rutabega from MrOrchardson on Curvy Isle (it will cost you $500) and 1 Kohlrabi from PonyBop on Islands Lake Isle.

Return these to ShortStoryLad and he will ask you to come back in 2 hours (real time spent on the game) to Judge the contest. Return after the 2 hours and talk to ShortStoryLad then go and talk to each of his sisters. Return to ShortStoryLad one more time Here I told him he had the best carving and got my reward not sure what happens if you tell him you like someone else's carving better. MadamPortsSmouth wants you to find a copy of PrinceDaring's Horse Isle Encyclopedia for her. She tells you that the Penman Family, in PlainTon, are the ones who originally copied the encyclopedia and that you should start out by asking them about it.

MrsPenman tells you that PrinceDaring has a living relative, LadyVoyager, in MeadowTon. LadyVoyager lives upstairs in the MeadowTon Inn. She doesn't remember much about the encyclopedias, but tells you she used to write everything down in her diary. You find LadyVoyager's Diary in the cabinet next to the dishes cabinet.

Bring the diary to LadyVoyager. She tells you she was told to look for the Palm trees you could count on and dig under number 5. These Palm trees are in the Northwest corner of Big Forest Isle. They look like roman numerals.

Dig under the one that looks like a V to get the Encyclopedia. Return the book to LadyPortsmouth for your reward. The Misses Gemstone have found out that their Sunstone Georgia has been replaced with a fake and want you to find the real one. They tell you that a clue was left behind, and you need to find it by searching the house. You find it upstairs in the first room. Return the clue to the sisters, and they ask you to look for the Sunstone. In my wanderings, I ended up visiting MrsSunfire in MeadoTon Bank who tells us to look for Mrs GoldFire.

I never did find MrsGoldFire. I went to MrBandanaSon on Amber Sands Isle and found the gemstone outside his house without following the clue on the paper.

MrBandanaSon threw the 'glass' outside so you need to rake near the cactus to get it. Now she trusts you enough to go to each of the 5 guardians to recover the marbles.1st Guardian: DoubleDareFins on Twin Rivers; talk to him2nd Guardian: LavaDraggit on Hidden Isle; talk to Lava Draggit. Then use your magnifying glass near his nest, you will find furbur fur there.

Talk to Lava Draggit again. He tells you there is only one Furbur that comes near there. That is SableFur, the one who gave you the ride to Hidden. Go talk to SableFur on Hidden.

It is he who gives you the Marble. Then return to LavaDraggit.3rd Guardian: MrStarrySeas on Lost Jungle. He is the north side Row boatman.

He wants you to answer 5 questions about constellations.1 Which constellation has a name that means water bearer.A. Which Constellation has a name that means the water snake or water SerpentA. Which Constellation has a name that is a ships keel?A. Which constellation has a name that means dolphin?A. What part of a ship is the constellation BelaA. Sail4th Guardian: WoolyFur, on Crater Mountain, wants 10 Ivy plants for the marble.

A: ParchedQ: repair making somthing new againA: RenovationQ: Controled repressed restrictedA: restrainedQ: Misfortune and unfavorable turn of eventsA: adversityQ: Preffering to live in isolationA: reclusiveQ: Asumption, Theory requiring proofA: HypothesisQ: Outstanding an example to othersA: exemplaryQ: Identification with the feelings of othersA: empathyQ: To end an activity, eq to prevent the dissemination of informationA: suppressQ: Careful, cautiousA. WaryQ: WealthyA. OpulentQ: To improve, Bring to a greater level of intensityA. EnhanceQ: Wealth or successA.

ProsperityQ: exceptionally insightful, able to forsee the futureA. ClairvoyantQ: To cooperate, work togetherA.

CollaborateQ: Hard to detect or describe, perceptiveA. SubtleQ: Sympathy Helpful or mercyA. CompassionQ: Extremly dry or deathly boringA. AridQ: Friendly and helpfulA. BenevolentQ: Nameless, without a disclosed identityA. AnonymousQ: the state of seperate elements joining or coming togetherA.

ConvergenceQ: considerate, skillful in acting to avoid offense to othersA. TactfulQ: Shallow Lacking in depthA.

SuperficialQ: For Opponent, adversaryA. AntagonistQ: to harm the reputation of, dishonor or disgraceA. DiscreditQ: To observe carefullyA. ScrutinizeQ: Thrifty, cheapA. FrugalQ: To regard with scorn or contemptA. DisdainQ: to shorten, abridgeA. AbbreviateQ: To settle a dispute byterms agreeable to both sidesA.

CompromiseQ: to unnecessarily delay, postpone, put offA. ProcrastinateQ: Short Usually funny acount of an eventA. AnecdoteQ: Careful and hard workingA. DiligentQ: opposed in nature, not able to live or work togetherA.

IncompatibleQ: Unimportant, TrivialA. InconsequentialQ: Certain, unavoidableA. InevitableQ: Decency, honesty, wholenessA. MrLeewardSan needs you take a list of items to be made to LordSteel on Barren Coast.

LordSteel would like you to bring him 50 chunks of copper ore and 50 chunks of iron ore or as many as you can in two days (I'm not sure if this is real days or game days, but I waited real days). LordSteel will give you a discount of $50 for each chunk of ore you bring him off the full price which is $10,000. Return to LordSteel 2 days after you initially talk to him to get an invoice to take back to LeewardSan with his reduced price. Return to Curvy dock to give LeewardSan the invoice he will then give you the money for Lordsteel. Deliver the payment to LordSteel and return to LeewardSan for your reward.

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OrchardSanLass needs a grape press and would like you to get it for her. Go to Dumbell and talk to CarpenterSan about making the grape press he will tell you he needs 10 sticks and 2 logs, you can find these in brush piles in forested areas. CarpenterSan then tells you he needs some metal parts you can get these made from the blacksmith on Narrowton. The Blacksmith needs 10 chunks of Iron ore in exchange for the parts. Return to CarpenterSan.

Now he tells you he needs a barrel for the grape press. Go to TigerTon and talk to MrsOakenStave in her home and she will give you a barrell for 500. Return to CarpenterSan and he tells you the press will be ready in 3 hours.

Pick it up and bring it back to OrchardSanLass. RainChilllass tells you the family pig escaped and broke the fence. She needs you to bring her 4 logs. Give her the logs then she asks you to dig a fenve post hole in the northwest corner of the cow and pig pen. Dig the hole and you will see tracks going to the south near the grape arbor.

Go to the north middle edge of the grape area and use your magnifying glass for your next clue to talk to OrchardSanLass. Talk to OrchardSanLass to find out she needs 5 twine to tie up the grape plants Voldy knocked over. Next use your Magnifying glass on the entrance of the apple orchard which leads you to talk to MrsOrchardsan.

She tells you she needs grass sedd you can get this at angeltoon general store. Head to the southern most plum tree and use your magnifying glass. That clue will direct you to the west, and north pecan tree use your Magnifying glass again then return to RainChillLass. RainchillLass will give you the completion quest points and tell you to talk to the chef in angleton about selling the truffles.

The Chef will give you 20,000 for the truffles. MarcoSan wants you to find out about whales for him and asks you to go north and find someone who knows about them. Go to Barren Isle lighthouse and talk to MissSpindrift she will tell you about whales and then tell you can whale watch just outside the lighthouse. Go outside the light house and use your binoculars in 3 different spots (these seem to vary) until you get 3 different messages about the Whales. Return to MissSpindrift after seeing all the whales then return to MarcoSan with all that you learned. ShiverMETimberSan wants a compass and needs you to find someone to make him one. Go to the Cavern Isle Observatory and talk to ProfCometary.

He will tell you he needs loadstone and that he has seen some near a bendy tree just south of the observatory. Go to the first tree south of the observatory and use your magnifying glass to get the loadstone, return it to ProfCometary.

He now tells you he needs a lens for the compas go to Lady prism on Barren isle to get the lens she gives it to you free of charge. Take the lens back to ProfCometary then return to him to pick up the compas 24 hours later.

Take the completed compass to ShiverMeTimberSon. Talk to the Line Isle Rowboat Man.

He will tell you some information on an old town called PentaVille. When he has finished talking to you he tells you to go talk to the dock master. She will tell you more about PentaVille. Go to the ruins of the viallge at the bottom of Line Isle. Go inside the stable and magnify the upper left corner. Go back to MrsTideWater (Line Isle Dock Master) and talk to her again.

She will tell you to go to the AngleTon Mayor who tells you to talk to an older person. She means ProfessorHerringbone. He lives on Crystal Isle. He suggests that you look in the Line Isle stable again (magnify).

You will find a key there that leads to the place where the LadyGrey in the Forgotten Isle Haunted House. After you have talked to her go to the houses and magnify in each of them. You will find a relic in each house. Give the relics to the descendants: LordRedSpruce (TigerTon), MrQuickerSilver (DryTon), LordCobalt (MarshTon), MrsWhiteBeacon (Blizzard Isle Lighthouse). Go back to LadyGrey.

Go back to the village and dig slightly Northwest of the ruins of PentaVille. You will find a time capsual. Go back to LadyGrey then go to the descendants and get 45k from each of them for returning the relics.