Myst Iv Revelation Cheats

Myst IV Revelation Game Cheat Codes. Myst IV Revelation Cheat Codes: - Submitted by: conner54. Fireplace-puzzle in parents bedroom. Myst IV: Revelation Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2019. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.

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Tomahna - DayYou start out inside a with. When you are close to the end of the ride the tram will halt and Yeesha will invite you to. You can take pictures of the environment which will be very helpful throughout the game. To take a picture, click the imager icon on the bottom bar. In camera mode, click the left mouse button to take a picture and the right mouse button to close the camera mode.When the ride ends, Yeesha will leave you alone outside the observatory. Before proceeding look to the left and down near where you exit the tram. There's a button to call the tram and below it a.

Get a close up of the symbol below the lever and take an imager shot to refer to it later.Continue forward and pull the lever on the right to open the door to the observatory. Enter it and go up the small flight of stairs to the right. As you continue forward comes in and starts explaining why he brought you here. You can choose to follow Atrus instructions and solve the puzzle or do nothing and the end result will be the same.To solve the you'll need to overlap a wave sign over one provided by Atrus in the machine behind you. You will need to do this for the two prison Ages: Haven and Spire. Just follow the instructions Atrus gives out.Once you're done, the viewer will overload causing a short-circuit and a small.

Atrus decides to go to Rime Age to find some materials to repair the viewer. He will leave you with a list of things to do while he's gone.Let's start with the journal which is in a next to the calibration machine. Pull the drawer out to open it, and read the journal. Make a note of the for Rime.Walk to the other side of the room. In the middle you will find stairs leading down to an elevator. Get a close up on the lever that opens the elevator and take a picture of the below. Then pull the lever and enter the elevator.When the ride finishes, use the lever on the right to open the door and exit.

Proceed along the walkway to the first conservatory. There's a leading down to the bottom of it. Climb down and take a picture of Atrus's. Return upstairs, cross to the other side and exit the conservatory. Yeesha will from the other conservatory to come and see something.Before going to her, you can step into the and explore. There is a symbol on the wall of the closest one to the entrance. Opposite the pressure chambers, there's a small cabinet with a Venetian lid.

Open it to reveal a. Notice all the glowing symbols below the columns? Each corresponds to a place in Tomahna based on the symbols you've been seeing. There are two symbols glowing red. These are the ones that correspond to the gates at the water plant. For now, leave the power box.Continue exploring the lab. You will find some beetles inside a glass case.

You have another choice here. You can leave the case alone or open it.

This will affect the way Yeesha reacts to you a little later on when you return here. If you set them free she will be upset with you. If you leave it as is she will comment on her experiment and that she has to report the results to her father.In a drawer you will find Catherine's Journal. Read it to find out more about what is going on.Exit the Botany Lab and continue to the second conservatory. Yeesha will show you a salamander and talk about her necklace, the Serenia Age and her two brothers. After listening to Yeesha, exit the second conservatory.There's a here.

Take the left path to Atrus and Catherine's bedroom. Before you enter, notice the plaque on the floor outside the entrance.Go into the bedroom and explore a bit. There is a on the right bedside table. Opening the central top drawer on the desk reveals a explaining how to turn on the code panel inside the fireplace. As there's no power you can't do that yet.

Exit the bedroom and go to the water plant by returning to the second conservatory and taking a right at the fork.Climb down the stairs to the gate controls. Notice the two glowing red symbols.

These are the same symbols as the ones in the power box. Reset the gates by pulling the middle lever. Now return to the botany lab.When you arrive at the lab,. Enter the Lab and she will make fun of her father and tell you about the Power box.

She'll tell you that you need to have the green light on top of a column lit up to have the power restored for that section. She will also say that she isn't allowed to touch electrical things so, it will be up to you to get things working again.She will then proceed to the glass case with the beetles. If you take a step toward her, depending on what you did before, her reaction to you will reflect your choice.

When she leaves, go to the power box.Open the power box. The observatory and the elevator have power. The red glowing symbols for the water gates are off. The panel in front of you has two rows of buttons and a switch on the left side. There is a button on the right that is used to transfer power. What you have to do now is transfer enough power units from the working sections to the water gates so that you will then be able to turn back on the generator for the whole Age.Columns from left to right correspond to: Observatory, Living Quarters, Left Water Gate, Right Water Gate, Elevator and Botany Lab.

The first row of buttons sets the column to transfer from and the second row of buttons sets the column to transfer to. Select a button from the first row, then select a button from the second row, and hit the transfer button.To activate the gates follow this sequence: from column 1 to column 3 and from column 3 to column 5 turns on the left gate.

Then: from column 1 to column 6, column 5 to column 4, and column 4 to column 6 turns on the right gate.When you are done, the gate symbols will glow cyan and the power box lid will close. Return to the water plant and the symbols should be. Press the button on top of the controls to open the water gates. The water starts flowing, powering the dynamo wheel and creating electricity.Turn around and climb the stairs. At the top you will see Yeesha crossing the walkway and waving to you. Go forward and the ground will start shaking and you will fall down and be rendered unconscious. Tomahna - NightWhen you wake up it'll be night time and you'll be a little woozy.

Climb from here and you'll be fine again. Proceed to the elevator, returning to the observatory to check on Atrus.Exit the elevator and turn left. Go to the security cameras. Now that the power is on and it's dark you can see a lever with a light on the handrail behind you.

Welcome to the game ii wiki. Pull the lever to open the of the observatory.Continue to the telescope chair., tilt around a bit and press the button. Once it reaches the top, get close up on the telescope. You can move the view around using the two small wheels and get a look at the moon. All you need to do here though, is the antenna by pressing the button with the windmill symbol on top of the right wheel.Exit the close up, press the red button and exit the chair. Return to the viewer in front of the elevator. Get a close up on the viewer console where you'll see five compartments with a button in front of each one, another button below these, a monitor showing static, a color wheel selector and a slider with nine positions.Each of the slider positions corresponds to a different crystal and each of the color wheel positions can be used to produce different color crystals. Pressing a button in front of a compartment places the corresponding selected crystal there.So, to input the code for Rime, do the following, pressing the button in front of each compartment, left to right after a crystal has been selected: Place slider on slot 6 (initial position is 0), with the wheel on Red; Place slider on slot 3 and color wheel on Cyan; Place slider on slot 8 and color wheel on Yellow; Place slider on slot 8 and color wheel on Green; Place slider on slot 2 and color wheel on Blue.Once you are, press the big button below the compartments to listen to Atrus.

He can't leave Rime due to an electromagnetic storm and tells you what you should do in the meantime.Exit the viewer and go to the elevator. Select the bottommost position. As the walkway was destroyed during the quake, the elevator is now the only way you can cross to the other side. You'll arrive on the platform that was on the left of the bedroom. The switch at the end there can now be operated to swing a pivoted bridge from the Yeesha's bedroom to this platform. The pivot point being the platform outside the Kitchen area.

For now, let us examine the.Go to the desk and turn on the there. Open the topmost central drawer and press the square central button below it (this button won't work if the drawer is closed), to open a panel revealing, one for Spire (red) and one for Haven (blue). Besides some more background information, you will find viewer codes for both Ages.: Green 1, Blue 7, Red 8, Yellow 4, Cyan 5.: Blue 2, Red 8, Purple 1, Green 5, Yellow 6.Cross the room and turn on the beside the bed. Then turn around and go into the Fireplace. You will discover Yeesha's memory amulet which will flash whenever a memory is present at a given object or location.

Press the icon of the amulet to see a short movie of someone trying to grab Yeesha. Exit to the bedroom and take a look around with the amulet.You'll get a reaction at the close up view of the and you can use it on both of the books. It will work as an audio book in the voice of the person who wrote the book. Exit and go to the plaque on the floor in front of the bedroom.

Another reaction here.Go to the platform next to the bedroom and turn the switch. The gangway will swing round to this platform. Cross to the.

Approach the table on the outside and get a close up on the. Use the amulet. Take a picture of the book and notice the notepad on the right. If you translate what it says, you'll find it's Yeesha's name.

Enter the kitchen.Explore the area. Towards the back you'll find the food preparation area. The amulet reacts on the stove (which can be operated).

The over the sink will react to touch, and the two on the left will trigger memories with the help of the amulet.Continue to the front of the kitchen to see Yeesha's picture on the right wall and a to which the amulet reacts. These pictures, along with the family tree, the D'ni alphabet book, the note in the bedroom and something else Yeesha will say in another memory are the key to another puzzle you'll have to tackle later on. Exit this area and move the.Continue forward to Yeesha's bedroom. The books on the shelves all have names (written in D'ni). On the writing desk, you'll find a to which the amulet reacts. There's also an orrery above the desk. To the right of the desk is Yeesha's bed and a to which the amulet also reacts.

Exit the room and return to the platform with the elevator.Enter the bedroom and go to the fireplace. Close the panel by pressing the button in front of you. The objective of this puzzle is to light up the that the lasers are pointing at. Tricky part is that when you press a button, it lights up four buttons around a time, above, below, right and left of that button. OOOOOOOO O5OOOOOO OOOOO3OO OO74OOOO 6OOOOOO1 OOOOO2OO.If you make a mistake, pressing the button below the panel will reset the puzzle.

When you are done, the elevator will descend. Exit the elevator. Climb down the small flight of stairs and get a close up on the Age seal made of Nara. Use the amulet to trigger a memory.

This is the area that blew up, releasing the noxious green smoke and which destroyed the walkway above.Turn around and pull the lever to open the chamber. Once inside pull the small lever on the right to close the chamber and open the. The left one (red) leads to Spire and the right one (blue) leads to Haven. Let's deal with Haven first. HavenYou arrive on Haven inside a chamber that is literally falling apart. This was a communication cell with a divider wall to prevent Achenar from reaching the for Tomahna, which is behind you inside a stand. Apparently, it didn't work.

Close inspection of the debris on the floor will show what happened. Some high pitched frequency destroyed the divider wall.To the right, there's a tray that can be tilted to transfer items between the two sides. Inside, you'll find Yeesha's satchel which triggers a memory of her running away from someone.

There's also a pipe that can be pushed up to blow a that was probably used to signal Achenar so that he would know he had visitors. When you are done, go outside.Continue forward until the path is blocked. Move the little crab away (if it is in the way) and move the stone aside. Behind it, there's the top half of a.

It triggers the amulet. Use it to see the brothers fighting each other. Turn around, walk forward and turn left.

There are two paths here. One leads to the back of the linking chamber which is filled with some sort of structure and the other is a into the cliff. Take this one.At the top you will see a drawing of a gargantuan creature (a Cerpatee as you will find out in a bit). To the left there's a leading down. To the right there are two paths: one leads up and offers an aerial view of the island and the other leads to Achenar's camp.

Go down the ladder on the left.The path leads to the shipwreck you saw when you linked in. To the right, near the beginning of the 'pier' there's a totem. Approach it and get a. Use the amulet. When you are done take a picture of the symbol on the totem and associate this totem with the (this is part of a puzzle that needs to be solved later). Return to the beginning of the 'pier' and go forward. On your way to the wreck, there's a scene where some crabs eat a fish.When you get to the wreck you'll be faced with this Age's first puzzle.

There's a wooden box inside the elevator, four cannonballs outside and to the left and down from the elevator there's another box (the counterweight) with four more cannonballs nearby. What you need to do here is figure out how to take some cannonballs up in the elevator with you, in order to trigger a pressure plate in the upper floor to make a further gangway elevate.Go to the counterweight box and into it. Return to the elevator. Pull the box outside and inside it. Push the wooden box to the elevator and follow it inside. Turn to the right to see the. Wind the counterweight (by rotating the wheel) and release the brake (lever to the right).

The elevator will go up.At the top,. Wait for the gangway to rise and cross to the other side. Once inside the ship proper, you can either go up or down. Go down first, by taking the at the left hand side. This leads to Achenar's work area. At the end, the amulet will react to the above the work table.There's a on top of the work table.

Take a picture of it. It tells you which animal eats what and will help you establish a pecking order (needed for the puzzle that also uses the totems). Enter the room off to the side at the back. The amulet reacts to the.

There's also a tube with a rubber reservoir at the end. Squeezing it releases a of the same stuff that made you woozy back in Tomahna. Looking around confirms that Achenar is one very disturbed person.Return upstairs to the middle level. Take the upstairs. Once up there, you will be greeted by a Karnak eating a fish.

Notice it's hind paws. You can correlate this information to the picture you took downstairs. Now, before entering the ship, continue forward to the end. Turn to the right and the leftmost gear. This will unfurl the sail and show you a of the island along with the territory each animal occupies.

It will also trigger a memory.The five animals are represented here: the Cerpatee at the top, below it the Mangree and to the right of the Mangree, the Camoudile. Below the Camoudile is the Zeftyr and to the left of the Zeftyr is the Karnak, our fish eating friend. Take a picture and when you are done, push the wooden tab to the right of the gear to collapse the sail.Enter the to the right, and turn right. Examine the to trigger a memory.

Now go to the other end of the room and examine Achenar's first. You can use the amulet for a voice over. Here you will learn the eating habits of the Zeftyr, the Camoudile and the Mangree, along with their names. Further along will come the Karnak (a scavenger) and references to the fifth creature.When you are done, return to the pier.

To lower the elevator to the pier, just touch the metal tab next to the winding gear for the counterweight. Then, retrace your steps to the of the cliff. Now, take the path to the right that leads to the aerial view.

You'll see a red flag waving in the distance and a wooden structure to your left. This jungle is a maze and you need to navigate it. Climb down and go to the. Approach the tent to trigger a cutscene.A Zeftyr will run out and you will use the tent as an hang-glider to pursue it (I choose to think we're not running away from it in abject terror).

It proves smarter than you, as it hangs back just below the base camp and watches you crash land. You then wake up with a Mangree looking over you. This scene is also important as it contains a clue to another puzzle. You will hear a Mangree screaming: high then low then high again. The one looking over you will become alerted, just in time to escape the Camoudile that bounds over you in pursuit of a hot meal!When you get up, I suggest you do some exploring.

It's very hard to give directions here in the jungle as there aren't many reference points I can use, so if you know the places I'm talking about, this will be much easier. Look down to see some prints.

Zoom in and the amulet will react.Right now you are in a three way fork with the tent remains to your left. The Camoudile came from your right. Take the path in front of you. Walk to the end of this path. You will see a Mangree jumping from a tree to another one across from it and hear the warning call again: high, low, high.Go forward again and you'll arrive at what seems to be a dead-end. There's the Achenar mentioned in his journal. Do so and this lets you continue to the hunting post.

Climb up.Turn around and pull the down. Another diagram that helps establish the pecking order. Take a picture. The to the left triggers a memory.

Now, observe the in front of you and the Mangrees in the distance. Do a close up and you'll see they are playing with the Mangree totem. Unfortunately, one of them is always covering the symbol. To make them go away so you can take a picture of the symbol you'll need to reproduce the sound for the warning call using the wheels in front of you. This includes not only the pitch, but also the duration which is long, short, long. Sorry I can't be of further help, but this is something you'll have to practice until you get it right.

It also serves as practice for a puzzle with the same principle later on. I normally manage it by doing 3/4 of a turn for a long duration and 1/4 of a turn for a short one.In this particular case, you'll need to turn the rightmost wheel first (3/4 of a turn), then the leftmost one (1/4 of a turn) and then the rightmost one again (3/4 of a turn).

You also shouldn't take too long between changing wheels as this can affect the sound reproduction. When you have managed to reproduce the correct sound, the Mangrees will go away. Take the picture of the and climb down from the post.Return to the three way fork and take the path with the tent remains. You'll see and hear a Camoudile up there stalking prey. Continue forward.

At the intersection, turn left. Continue forward. You will pass by a Karnak on your right and going forward from there will lead you to a. Zoom in on the to the left. Use the amulet. You'll learn what you need to do to solve this puzzle.Open the panel by pulling on the bottom central area (where there seems to be a wood tab). The objective of this puzzle is to get the hammers to rest on the white pins without the hammers themselves being inside the sliders.

The solution is listed below. As there's no way to reset the puzzle, save the game before you start solving it to prevent headaches (trust me on this one.) In the solution, a letter followed by a number, an x and a direction means you have to move that slider a number of holes in the direction indicated.