Shariki Radar

View from the back on a deployed TPY-2 radarThe AN/TPY-2 Surveillance Transportable Radar, also called the Forward Based X-Band Transportable (FBX-T) is a long-range, very high-altitude X band surveillance radar designed to add a tier to existing missile and air defence systems. It possess a range of 2,900 miles which equals to 4,700 km.

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The location of the second U.S X-band missile defense radar to be deployed to Japan has been announced.1 The TPY-2 radar will be deployed in central Japan at the Kyogamisaki military base near the small city of Kyotango. The location was described as being selected because it was near the trajectories North Korean missiles fired.

Made by, it is the primary radar for the (THAAD) missile system, but also the radar of the system. Patriot PAC-3 is a lower-altitude missile and air defense system than THAAD.The AN/TPY-2 is a missile-defense radar that can detect, classify, track and intercept ballistic missiles. It has two operating modes – one to detect ballistic missiles as they rise, and another that can guide interceptors toward a descending warhead. Once it detects the missile, it acquires it, tracks it, and uses its powerful radar and complex computer algorithms to discriminate between the warhead and non-threats such as countermeasures in order to destroy the missile with a hit to kill kinetic warhead.The AN/TPY-2 is a, which operates in the 8.55–10 GHz. Raytheon builds it as part of an X-band family, along with the National Missile Defense (NMD) X-Band Radar (XBR) and AN/FPS-129 HAVE STARE. The use of X band provides better target resolution than lower frequency bands, for example the, though lower frequency bands generally have better performance in detecting low RCS targets.

The X band frequency and narrow beam width improve differentiation, or “range resolution,” between smaller objects, such as between warheads, clutter, and decoys. Once the information about the threat of missile is received, determining information such as its speed and trajectory, this data is immediately passed along to (BMDS) tracking, discrimination, and fire control radars downstream. This approach provides extending sensor coverage, the possibility to extend the BMDS battlespace, and the ability to complicate missiles ability to penetrate the defense system.The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) and Raytheon plan to improve detection range and sensitivity of the X-band TPY-2 missile defense radar through the introduction of gallium nitride semiconductor components.Deployment The developed the system and remains responsible for its use by in theater and tactical applications. As a component of national ballistic missile defense, the U.S.

Is responsible for TPY-2 applications.It has been deployed in Japan to collect strategic-level information on North Korean missile developments, as well as warning Japan of incoming warheads. Also, AN/TPY-2 radar in Shariki region is able to scan Russian territory near Japan. Japan has bought both PAC-3 for point defense, and is upgrading the AEGIS systems on its so they can use the longer-range theater ballistic missile defence.An AN/TPY-2 is based in Alaska as part of development. Has agreed to provide it to Israel, to complement their two-tier and Patriot PAC-3 missile defense.It complements the fixed AN/FPS-129 HAVE STARE X-Band 'large dish' radar, located at Vandenberg Air Force Base. Smaller mobile X-band dishes, not yet designated, may also be paired with the AN/TPY-2.References.


. Tree. Flower. BirdShariki ( 車力村, Shariki-mura) was a located in in western,. The village was situated on the west coast of, facing the.History The area was part of during the.

After the, Shariki Village was created in 1889. On 30 October 1889, the, an American merchant ship from, wrecked a mile from the coast of the village. The villagers made a great effort to save the sailors, unfortunately nineteen of them did not survive the incident. After the remainder of the sailors recovered, they returned to the United States but maintained their relationship with the people of Shariki. This relationship eventually resulted in the village establishing a sister-city agreement with Bath, Maine.On 11 February 2005, Shariki, along with the town of, and the villages of, and (all from ), was to create the city of, and thus no longer exists as an independent municipality, however, the city inherited Shariki's relationship with Bath.At the time of its merger, Shariki had an estimated of 5,730 and a of 92.16 persons per km 2. The total area was 62.17 km 2. The village economy was dominated by agriculture and commercial fishing.References.