Dungeon Overlord Forums

PC Dungeon Keeper Vs PC Overlord on a brand new planet (earth geography, fantasy, medieval, no gunpowder, some magic, a earth gods who are alerted to both forces appearing on the planet but not where for 1 year) both start in what would be Europe(one to the north other to the south of Europe). Latest Posts What new on the forums Forum Search Find the forums for you Forum Games Time to waste? Upcoming games for 2018 What are you looking forward to? Dungeon Overlord Screenshots. Home Screenshots Dungeon Overlord. The Wastelanders update is out in Fallout 76.

Well, my expansion dungeon was raided by someone else in my mountain.However, I keep no creatures in it, and they apparently only try to take gold, which doesn't work because I'm not mining from either of the 2 gold patches at the moment (it's got 2 iron patches in total can hold 8 goblins, and anyone who knows this game knows that iron is super friggin' important). So his 3 level-10 orcs all walked away with nothing.twice., lol.I also ship literally every resource it collects to the main dungeon whenever I pick it off the ground, meaning that at any given time it has exactly 0 of everything in storage, making it impossible for a raiding party to take anything, perid.However, since he has Pillage Party, I'm not sure whether I could take him quite yet since he probably has more than just those 3. I'm not sure if I want to bother, either; it takes forever before he could actually take over my dungeon, and I should be able to get a shit-ton of traps in there before that happens.Edit: Goddamn, now I'm getting research-capped more than anything else. I'm long-range mining Primordial Earth, which should supply the majority of my immediate needs (getting 1k for each dungeon, obviously my expansion dungeon will upgrade the mine with it, while my main is using it for the Ingots to plop down a Guard Post), but there's a lot of stuff I need to research. I'm upgrading to a Level 3 Library now with my 4th Warlock incoming in my expansion, while my main already has 5 Warlocks researching full-time.

Gonna have to place extra Library tiles before I sleep, though, as otherwise I'm going to lose out on a lot of potential research (5 Warlocks fill libraries really, really quickly).I'm kind of tempted to drop a lot of library tiles on my expansion and attract 6 more Warlocks. I still have some pretty pressing iron needs, and I've already converted a lot of tiles to lair/farm duties, but I'm still mining over 1k iron an hour out of 2 patches, and that's with 2 goblins out in the middle of Buttfuck Egypt mining me Primordial Earth. I'll probably end up doing it tomorrow when I decide that I should be able to amass 10k research a day, lol. Bump; this game really is fascinating.I'm kind of kicking myself for not expanding somewhere with Primordial Earth, although obviously I didn't know how important it was at the time. Not sure I want to give this dungeon up quite yet, though - it really doesn't have anything I'll need later, but the doubleiron, doublegold, and the 2 primordials I don't need as much are kind of useful.You don't really lose all that much picking up everything and relocating, so I think I'll begin surveying for something as strong but with Primordial Earth. That would mean instant relocation, especially if it has several of the midgame resources (or, God help me, Heart of the Earth, although the amount of shit I'd have to put in to keep that dungeon mine would be staggering once people reach a certain point). Also, if I find something retarded like 4 P.

Earths, I don't care what I'll lose - I would relocate and mine everything I'd need within 2 game days.The Station forum will give you really everything you need. Highly useful especially with not much instruction outside what's given in-game.(Edit so I don't have a billion posts in a row): Well, now I discovered that I'm better off long-range mining unless I have multiple Primordials in one dungeon. 4 goblins on a Primordial mine with more than half the tiles as mine tiles, will mine 160 per hour; you can probably up that to 200 but you'll sacrifice research. That's 640 in 4 hours. However, if you send an entire set of 9 goblins to mine 100 P.Earth from 9 different dungeons, you'll get 900 in 4 hours; this is obviously from your main, where you can't mine anything besides gold/crystal/iron, and requires a crapload of surveying beforehand. An expansion dungeon with 2 primordials will mine 1280 in 4 hours using 8 goblins, however, giving them a huge advantage.Of course, if you don't realize how much you lose, you could mine 1000 P.Earth by sending 2 goblins off to mine for 2 friggin' days.

I'll lose 7 more goblins and get my P.Earth 44 hours faster, thankyouverymuch.Edit 2: I got so damn lucky. I've been throwaway surveying from my main dungeon just to see what's around me, knowing that I'd still need Moonstone, Quicksilver, and Deep Ochre, and I wanted more P. Earths for long-range mining. Everything I'm searching has players that started before me, and keep in mind it's been 2 days since I was able to take my expansion. A lot of them never expand, but with 5 players per mountain, anyone who knows what they're doing is going to take the best spot he can find at least within his mountain, if not within the closest 4-6.And then I survey: Crystal/Gold/Gold/Gold/Gold/P.Earth/P.Ice/Quicksilver.Technically, it's not the BEST thing I could find. If the Crystal was Iron instead, and the P.Ice was Deep Ochre, it would be a better spot.

But I'd be insane to look for one when you consider that late-game, quadruple gold nodes will trump everything. I couldn't tear my old dungeon apart and ship stuff to my new one fast enough. Intellectually, I know it's not likely that I'll be beaten to this, but I just have to send every single goblin from my main just to make sure I get this dungeon as soon as humanly possible.

I had pretty much given up on getting a better dungeon; it would suck to have lost the investment in the rooms I abandoned (some 5000+ iron and 3000+ crystal, plus 5k+ gold, certainly not inconsequential) just to have to run with no expansion until I find another one worth all that sacrifice. I started playing and I was enjoying myself. Got 3 orcs, some warlocks, and was remote mining some iron and p-earth. All was going well. I needed leather for a quest, so I raided a small town. All was well.Until the day after.

I got messages for THREE raids from human/elf towns, all set to land within 5 minutes of each other. Completely wiped me out.

Skeletons has proven to be extremely hard to put down. 'AppSmile said ' With a myriad of mini-games and a ton of customization options, variety is the order of the day and Pizza vs. Pizza vs skeletons all bosses full.

All orcs and warlocks dead. What's worse is that I don't seem to be able to spawn new ones. I don't get the new creature incoming tab, and moving or picking up/replacing den furniture isn't triggering it. Bug?This has completely destroyed my interest in the game. I was having fun till it pulled this dick move.

Dungeon overlord forums download

Now it looks like the only way is to start a new dungeon, which means spending 3 days getting back to where I was! I realize now why I like single player games - you can save your position! I started playing and I was enjoying myself.

Got 3 orcs, some warlocks, and was remote mining some iron and p-earth. All was going well.

I needed leather for a quest, so I raided a small town. All was well.Until the day after. I got messages for THREE raids from human/elf towns, all set to land within 5 minutes of each other. Completely wiped me out. All orcs and warlocks dead.

What's worse is that I don't seem to be able to spawn new ones. I don't get the new creature incoming tab, and moving or picking up/replacing den furniture isn't triggering it. Bug?This has completely destroyed my interest in the game. I was having fun till it pulled this dick move. Now it looks like the only way is to start a new dungeon, which means spending 3 days getting back to where I was!

I realize now why I like single player games - you can save your position!It takes time for the server to register dead creatures. They'll start respawning in a couple hours at most. Once you get your 2nd dungeon, the 'reset' button will be replaced with an 'order your creatures to hide' button, which you should immediately activate. Even if it was just one Settlement attack, it would have probably still wiped out your army. Those things are friggin' powerful.They're more than a nuisance than anything else, though.

Just like a PvP raid, they can't take anything that is in Safe Storage. So once you get your 2nd Dungeon, either put a crapload of Safe Storage furniture in your Storage Room, or ship anything valuable to your expansion because reprisals won't hit there. If other players raid your expansion, it's better to keep stuff in your main until they stop, as reprisals attack a room selected completely at random (which means they'll often loot absolutely nothing).That said, I did lose a bunch of creatures when I set them to defend against a PvP raid and the server went down and they got slaughtered by a reprisal, and those were 3 level 25+ Orcs.

It wasn't terrible, though, because I just switched to Dark Elves anyway, which are far better for raiding. I've spent way too much time on this game. I've also started working heavily on the Wiki, mostly putting in stuff that keeps cropping up in questions on the Forums. I'm talking several hours some days just refining articles.I've also started a new players' guide, but it's not complete enough for me to link to until a couple days from now. There's a lot of number-crunching involved, and I can only do so much of that before I start to feel burned out.

Plus, I just took my 3rd, and I just got 6 Level 25 Dark Elves so I'm finally raiding T2 Settlements, and so I've got to do a lot of active management for a little while here.Fucker managed to take my desired 3rd though (2x Dense Basalt, 1x Deep Ochre, Gold, Iron, P. Was an incredible find), so I was forced to place a proxy 3rd in a large group of mountains 40 minutes away from my Starter. A proxy dungeon is a dungeon you occupy solely to speed up the process of surveying an area more quickly.

I occupy the dungeon, buy the permanent 3 goblins, and immediately begin surveying 7 dungeons every 8 minutes, and then 7 dungeons every 16 or 20 minutes for the nearby mountains.And I hit jackpot. 1x Dense Basalt, 1x Deep Ochre, Gold, Iron, P.

Earth, and Ruby. I'll take a Ruby over Dense Basalt any day of the week (it's like 2x - 3x as rare to find), and P. Earth is still in very high demand in my region (plus I need a bunch of it for Iron Ingots for my Vaults, although I have over 6k sitting in my 2nd dungeon right now waiting for the Iron to make Iron Ingots now). I'm going to survey a bit from that dungeon before I start laying down rooms, but I'm 95% sure that this is going to be my 3rd.Edit: This would've been the best 2nd ever. 2x Gold, 4x Iron, and 3x P.

I've never seen 3 Primordials in one dungeon, and this one has 4 Iron Nodes and a doublegold to boot. I've been playing this one for the past couple of weeks now.

Two heavily built-up dungeons, and I'm one tech away from 25 extra tiles in each dungeon, which I desperately need. I chose a second dungeon in my same mountain, with P.Earth, P.Fire, 2xGold, and 3xIron (more than I can use at once!). I haven't noticed the reprisal attacks from the small towns being as tough as Dave88 said. I've maybe lost 2 creatures in a couple dozen attacks. Of course, I have 4 level-1 towns within a few squares of me, maybe I'm just attacking weaker folks.The documentation for this game is terrible (ok, non-existant). The wiki has lots of useful statistical info, but is not strong on strategy and guidance.

I have found the forums to be not well organized (really, all strategy posts in a single forum? It's hard to find the newbie threads.) So here are some questions.1. Is there an advantage to adding friends in the game? There is that 'trusted friends bar' at the bottom of the screen, but I haven't seen anything about what advantages you get from filling it. I hesitate to bug my normal friends about it, but I do have a separate list of 'gaming friends' I will bug if it's worth it.

I'll also add anyone from here if desired.2. Do the quests (at the bottom of the screen) keep coming indefinitely? I'm at the point where I only have 3 quests listed, and each one takes quite a bit of time to fulfill. This is slowing my xp gain dramatically, compared to the beginning of the game when there were 6-7 quests active at all times, and it was easy to fulfill several a day.3.

I feel like I am not researching very quickly at all. I have 4 warlocks per dungeon in level 3 libraries. I think each dungeon pulls 72 research per hour.

Is this ok, or do I need to pump it up? I don't have much room for Warlock Beds (maybe 1 more per dungeon) until I can add more tiles (and I'm not buying them). It's the number of warlocks that determines this, right? Not warlock level or size/level of library? I know a larger library can hold more stacks.

Also, are there any key techs that I need to be aiming for? I had been pretty much choosing the best looking one from the 3-4 available at any time, or the one a quest directed me to, until I found and beelined toward the first tile-adding tech.4. Most of my rooms are level 3 (a couple are still level 2, and my second dungeon has a level 4 den and mine).

What rooms need pumping up the most once I get my extra 25 tiles? I have already eliminated all hallways in an attempt to conserve tiles. How much furniture should go in each room (such as library/farm/vault) since furniture impacts the number of stacks you can collect? This is especially relevant to the vault, since it can't be expanded.5. Did anyone else find the 'vengeance' quest anti-climactic? It seemed no more difficult than raiding a town once I finally did it. It left me wondering why I didn't do it a few days earlier.I know I have more questions, but those are enough for today.Edit: Changed '4xGold' above to '2xGold' - I misremembered!

I think I brought the massive reprisal on myself. Since then I learned that you can 'view hate' for any given town (button underneath the raid button) and it will tell you which of the larger towns are protecting the smaller towns. It just so happened my raids were against a town protected by 3 large towns. Oops.1) no idea.2) I think they run out. I have only one left - get a creature to level 50. I have no idea how you gain xp after that - probably raiding.3) Warlock level is important to research rate.

My group of level 20 warlocks can fill a pretty large library overnight (about 5000 research).4) Generally you should only level up a room if you need it. Waste of resources and space otherwise. Also, specialize your dungeon.

You're probably close to getting your third dungeon, so you can start to have one for creatures, one for mining, and one for production. All three of mine have libraries and several high level warlocks. As for furniture placement, it's all part of the game trying to choose what is too much, and if one item is worth the restriction on space, etc. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer here.5) The vengeance quest is little more than teaching you how to do raids. If you're like me you will have done raids long before you got that quest anyway.My main complaint is I seemed to have reached farmville stage. All I'm doing is logging in once a day to water the crops feed the troops and harvest the crops unlock the next research items. I should get the +50 tiles research unlock tonight, so maybe that'll make things more interesting for me.

I will probably be ready for a third dungeon either today or tomorrow.what is the consensus on type of dungeon to go for? Seems like most people recommended primordial elements for #2, which is what I went for.

Earth to be useful, while P. Fire was less so. It doesn't even sell well.Strangely enough, I have scouted several nearby mountains, and have not found ANY good (more than one 'valuable' resource) dungeons. There are a couple of better ones right in my home mountain, relative to anything I've found within a few spaces of me. I will probably be claiming one nearby to reserve it and using those goblins to scout around continuously.

How far is too far from my 'home mountain' to be effective?Dave88, I have not been able to increase research by training warlocks. Only by adding them, and there is a point at which this is no longer effective. I am down to the one quest remaining (same one) as well. It was enough to get me close to level 3, though.

You'll be on level 3 for aaaaaages. I'm still only half way up the xp level bar. I did get a few extra quests once I researched some stuff, but it was mostly just a 'build one of these now you've unlocked it' kind of thing. Not sure how else to earn XP. Although I don't know what I'd do with a fourth dungeon anyway. It would likely just end up another mining operation.You get a steady trickle of experience from your vault in each dungeon. Basically one point per hour per upgrade, so it would behoove you to upgrade your vault in each dungeon as much as possible past the advantage of having more goblins.Warlocks make pretty decent defenders so leveling them up isn't bad, plus you'll likely end up at a point where you're way overfull on crystal anyway.

I've also started a new players' guide, but it's not complete enough for me to link to until a couple days from now.I'd love to see whatever you have. I'm almost level 2 and I presume that means I can build a 2nd dungeon, but I'm not sure the best strategy for selecting it.1. Is there a limit to how many dungeons you can have?2. How do you know when you should build another dungeon in your current mountain, and when should you find another mountain?3. What happens if I pick a new dungeon in my current mountain, but it's not adjacent to my starter dungeon? Do I need to travel through the intervening dungeons to get from one to the other?

What if another player grabs one of those dungeons? Do I have to fight my way through?4.

In my current mountain, I have a dungeon adjacent to me with 2x iron and 1x gold. There's another dungeon one step away from it that has 2x gold, 1x crystal, 1x Deep Ochre, 1x Quicksilver, and 1xP.Water. I'm tempted to grab that one, but am worried another player might grab the dungeon that's between it and my starter. Plus, that double iron is tempting too!Any advice welcome! The number of dungeons you can have is the same as your Overlord Level, so at L2 you can have 2 dungeons, L3 3, etc.2. If the pickings are slim, move.

By slim I mean you've only got dungeons with 3 mining nodes or have high tier stuff that will take you weeks before you can unlock the ability to mine.3. AFAIK travel between dungeons in the same mountain is 4 mins there, 4 mins back. I've not seen any issues with being blocked by someone else, dungeons don't need to be adjacent to each other, travel doesn't quite work like that. Travel to a dungeon in another mountain will take longer, a lot of people recommend 3040mins max as a limit. You will know the time it takes by how long your goblin takes to get their to survey.4. You should definitely grab the second dungeon, 2x Iron and 1x Gold is not a good dungeon.

The second one you mentioned is an awesome one to have as your third or fourth dungeon:jealous:, Deep Ochre and Quicksilver are needed to craft mid tier furniture and upgrade rooms to Level 5. Now that you've found it you might as well grab it now before someone else does, you can of course wait a while your choice, since it'll take time to unlock the ability to mine those 2 materials.If you can find an equally awesome dungeon that has iron, crystal and at least P Earth and one or two nodes of other stuff (or multiples of those I've mentioned), that's a more appropriate mix of resources for a second dunegon.Good stuff to have early on (by your second): 2X Crystal, 2X Iron, Gold, P Earth.By your third: Primordials. Earth is key to upgrading, Fire is nice also to craft Fire traps and turbo miners. Ice and Water needed later on. Deep Ochre, Ruby also nice.edit: added a bit more re travel.

I ended up expanding to a dungeon I found with 4x Iron, 1x Crystal, 1x Gold, 1x Diamond, 1x Primordial Water. Iron's a constraint. I'll grab that previous dungeon with Ochre as my 3rd, most likely.I envision this as a 'mining-only' dungeon. What does such a mine look like? For instance, no library or proving grounds, right? Not even a farm, since I can ship food from somewhere else.

Lots of mine tiles, lots of storage, but I imagine I still need a workshop (or can I move furniture between dungeons)?I have my Primorial Water tile activated, and there's a goblin diligently working on it, but no P. Water ever accumulates. WHere's it going, and what do I need to do to let it accumulate? Make an Elcments Confine?When can I raid neighboring dungeons?

They all say 'Protected' right now. When can others raid me?If this game is very much like Dungeon Keeper, would Dungeon Keeper strategies and principles be applicable to this? Or are there enough differences? I also ended up in Abandon/Geniton - all the way on the left end of the map. Strategically, I'm not sure a corner position is good though - half the tiles in a given travel area.

Can I move my main dungeon, or should I reset my account and see if I get something with a better location? That being said, immediately next to my tile is one other mountain, 3 small towns and a slightly larger town.

Also, a Nemesis nearby - whatever that is.edit: oh, there's only one nemesis per region? Maybe this location isn't all that bad.

Nemesis is a temporary location for use in one of the quests. Once you complete the quest, it disappears.Doh, so much for the upside to that position.Anyway, I think I'll stick around that mountain regardless. There seem to be many worse places on the map, so who knows.I've been exploring other locations in my mountain and came across one with these things:Dense Basalt, Deep Ochre, Gold, P.

Water, QuicksilverFrom my readings so far, it seems P. Earth is what I should focus on for my second mine - so I guess this doesn't work as a second dungeon? The others I've surveyed so far are utterly disappointing. How does remote mining work? I thought I'd sent two parties of goblins to get some P. Earth from a nearby dungeon, but there' no sign that they brought any back. How does one tel?After surveying a dungeon, click the same button again and you'll have a chance to send goblins to mine.

Make sure you select the resource you want and send a Goblin off. After they return from remote mining, the resources should automatically be in your storage. Note: do not send them for more than 500. What happens is that two goblins will be busy, but they don't mine twice as fast. So basically it takes 2 goblins 2 times as long to mine 1000 P.

Earth than it takes 1 goblin to mine 500 P. Instead, send them to different dungeons. Nemesis is a temporary location for use in one of the quests. Once you complete the quest, it disappears.Doh, so much for the upside to that position.Anyway, I think I'll stick around that mountain regardless.

There seem to be many worse places on the map, so who knows.I've been exploring other locations in my mountain and came across one with these things:Dense Basalt, Deep Ochre, Gold, P. Water, QuicksilverFrom my readings so far, it seems P. Earth is what I should focus on for my second mine - so I guess this doesn't work as a second dungeon? The others I've surveyed so far are utterly disappointing.That is a great.third.

dungeon. You need the Dense Basalt (DB) and the Qucksilver (QS) for the next tier of furniture and upgrades. A second dungeon should have a bit of Primal elementals as the upgrades, etc needs them.