Hacker Evolution Steam

Ever wanted to see how the popular Hacker Evolution games were made? Here is your chance with this package which contains all 3 Hacker.

About This GameEver wanted to see how the popular Hacker Evolution games were made?Here is your chance with this package which contains all 3 Hacker Evolution games and their source code:. Hacker Evolution (game + source code).

Hacker Evolution Untold (game + source code). Hacker Evolution Duality (game + source code)The 3 source code projects will compile and run from within Visual Studio 2010 and are written in simple to understand C/C. Upon purchasing the source code you will also receive unlimited support via email directly from the lead developer.More information on each of the individual games.

Your first objective is to retrieve the connection log file from the New York Exchange server. The server is visible on the map, under the name:If you run a scan on it (scan, you will notice there are 2 open ports:Port 80, running a standard http service (you can connect on this port),Port 99, running a file manager service.You will need access on port 99, in order to be able to download the connection.log file. Don't try the crack command, as you will be most likely traced. There are 2 ways in which you can hack the password for this service.If you connect to (on port 80), you can follow the server of the company who designed the page (see the bottom line of the screen displayed after connecting). The server is. Scan it, so it will show up on your target map.

It's unprotected, so you can bounce through it. Click on it, to add it to the bounced link. Now you can crack the password for the file manager service on port 99, by typing:crack 99The second way is to locate the hackers server. You can find it if you look through the files available on port 80 on (The server is: Scan it, to reveal it on the target map. It has only port 80 open, but it's only protected by a 4 characters password which you can easily crack. It's also encrypted by with a 128 bits key, which you can easily decrypt. You can use this server to bounce through, and crack the password on port 99 on, but it's recommended that you download the xfilemanager.

Exploit from it, and use that instead. Also, there is $2000 available on the server, so you might want to transfer that money into your account.Note: Using an exploit instead of the crack command, ads less global trace percentage to your total trace.Once you downloaded the exploit, use it like this: exec x-filemanager.exploitAll done now. Connect to on port 99: and download the connection.log file:connect 99download connection.logNext, look inside the connection.log file (Type: cat connection.log), and attempt to identify the source of the attack.

You will find several hostnames inside. Use the scan command to see which hosts actually exist (it will show up on the map).Once the server shows up on the map, your second objective is completed.Next, you must upload a copy of the connection.log file, to the FSA file server. This is simple:connect files.fsa.gov 81upload connection.logThe third objective is now completed.For the next objective, you must retrieve the users.log file from. You must crack and decrypt this host before being able to connect to it.

Don't try it directly, as you will get traced. Setup a bounced link first, by clicking on as many hosts as possible, on the target map. After the bounced link is setup, type:decryptcrackAfter it's finished, you have to connect to it, and download the users.log file. First, notice that there isn't enough space on your server to download the file. You can either upgrade your memory modules, or deleted some unneeded files. Delete the connection.log file. Type:delete connection.logNext, you must identify which user was logged into at the time of the attack.

The time of the attack was: 11:59:44. You can deduct this from the following line in the connection.log file: 11:59:44 - authorized connection fromNext, see the users.log file, and see who was logged in at that time. The username is: tjohn.

Keep this in mind. Type:scan to reveal the host on the map, as this is your next target.You must decrypt and hack. Setup a bounced link first, as you will get traced if you do it directly.Type:decryptcrack 210Note: If you have trouble hacking this host (you are being traced), you can use the available money to either upgrade your firewall, or reduce your trace time (use the KILLTRACE command).Tip: When using bounced links, don't use more hosts then needed.

You can only bounce through a host, 3 times.Now, connect to and download tjohn's profile:connect 210download tjohn.profileLogout, and connect to files.fsa.gov to upload the file and complete the last objective.logoutconnect files.fsa.govupload tjohn.profile. It is worth to upgrade firewall in this level. In order to upgrade your firewall to level 1, use the following command:upgrade fwl1You can alternatively uphgrade your CPU ( upgrade cpu0). In both cases you will be able to crack 8 characters passwords and decrypt 256 bit encryptions.After this upgrade you can decrypt and crack 99 port of. If you don't have any upgrades you can crack and decrypt first and use it in a bounced link. Retrieve connection.log from this server.

The first objective is now completed.Note: If you delete this file from your localhost, the objective remain completed. Use this trick if you don't have enough free space.When you download connection.log you will see a message from which offers you a good deal. Scan to revela it on the map, and upload the file for them:scanconnect 99upload connection.logHackers fulfill their promise and give you. Scan and crack it.

It has a very low protection, so you even don't need bounce links. Transfer all the money from it.

Also you can download connection.log and spot. The other way to spot is inside the connection.log file on files.fsa.gov server. There are several unsuccessfull attempts to login from this server.Note: All files with the same name are equal for the game objectives. You can download connection.log from:, or even files.fsa.gov to complete the first objective.Now you have more than enough servers for bounced links. Connect to the server, type ls and spot tj.bin file. Delete it to complete the second objective.The next objectives is.

It has low protection, so you can crack and decrypt it without bounce links. Download history.log from this server and upload it to files.fsa.gov.You receive message from john.davis@fsa-gov.main. He noticed that the source of the attack was the same, as in the attack on. So it is as you should remember. Scan it and finish the level.

In order to complete this level you must have a firewall or cpu upgrade.First objective. In order to retrieve the connection.log file from, you need to find a password on the secure authorization server. Its name can be easily guessed:. Scan, decrypt and crack it.

Connect to the server and type ls. You will see the passwd file. You will find the password, inside the file.Decrypt the server using 1 server in the bounced link and then use the login command with the password you have. You will see that the password has matched the service on 150. Connect on this port and download the connection.log file.

Also, transfer the $3000 available here.You receive a message from dot-hackers. They will offer you useful information in exchange for the file. Scan and upload the file on port 99.The interesting information is on. Use 1 server in the bounced link to decrypt it and crack the service on port 151. Port 23 is lightly protected and it can be cracked without the use of bounced links. This server has some interesting files.

You have to download e-receipt.log for the second objective, monitor.bin for the third objective and conmanager.bin for the last objective. Also read xconmanager.bin file. You will have to delete this file.The last objective is.

Crack the service running on port 152, using 1 server in the bounced link. Connect on this port, and replace xconmanager.bin file with conmanager.bin. This allow server to reestablish the links and you will complete the level.Tip: You can find by looking inside the connection.log file on. If you crack it, you can see in the remote.log file.

It has $5000 and moderate protection. This is the rewarding way mentioned in the second objective. Issue a scan on. You will notice a service linking toHack and transfer $4000 from it Upgrade to a second 1 Ghz cpu ( upgrade cpu0) and use the remaining money to reduce your trace.Decrypt. Crack (port 80). Connect, and download the connection.log file.

Feral Heart is one of the few games around that lets you assume the role of an animal in a MMO style world. The game is free to play and lets players connect with others using lion like avatars. In Feral Heart players will have plenty of fun as they make new friends, explore a large open world and chat with other players. Feral heart game. FeralHeart is an online animal based roleplaying game and chat where you choose what kind of feral you'll be. Create your character and explore worlds with it in this 3D game and maybe even make friends on the way. Welcome to FeralHeart Unleashed! FHU is a online animal based roleplaying game in which you can play either as a canine or a feline. Customize your very own character, and explore our big and colourful virtual world made up from maps.

Your first objective is completed.On the welcome screen of, you will notice an email address:Scan. Crack and decrypt it and then transfer the $4000 from it.Now, connect to on port 99, and upload a copy of connection.log.You will receive a message with a hint. In this level, you have to hack the 4 firewalls, in the correct order. The order is not random and there is a logic behind it.Issue a scan on all 4 firewalls.

The first step is to decrypt and hack all services ondecryptcrack 23crack 115crack 151Next, connect to on port 23.Look inside the activity.log file. You will find a reference to. Scan to reveal it on the map. Also, transfer the money fromAdd to the bounced link setup, and then proceed to decryptNext, crack the service running on port 808 onNow, logout, and connect again on port 23 to.Look inside the e-receipt.doc file.You will find a reference to atm-5.sdb.ch. Scan it to reveal it on the map.Now, setup a bounced link through andDecrypt and crack atm-5.sdb.chTransfer the money from it.Buy a 2Gb memory module upgrade:upgrade mem1Now, connect to and download the dhcptable file.

The first objective is now completed.If you look inside the dhcptable, you will notice that laptop-nessie is the name of John Davis's laptop. Next, connect to on port 115. Look inside the mail file. You will find a hint to. Scan it to reveal it on the map. Decrypt it's encryption key. Next, hack the service running on port 99 onNext, connect on port 99 to and look inside the index.old fileYou will find a reference toScan it to reveal it on the mapDecrypt and crackConnect to it on port 808 and look inside the dhcptable1 file.You fill find John Davis's laptop connected and his IP address: it to reveal it on the map.

Decrypt and crack it. Connect to it on port 102, and download the archive.bin file.Next, connect to on port 99, and upload the archive.bin file to their server.

The second level objective is now completed.You will need a copy of the monitoring trojan.You can find it on atm-5.sdb.ch. Connect to it, and download the monitor.bin file.Next, connect to and upload a copy there. The third level objective is now completed.Next, crack the reservations service running on port 100 on.Connect to on port 115, and in the emails you will find the reservation id number.( 34723).Connect to on port 100, and delete the 34723 file. The fourth objective is now completed.Reduce your trace level below 20% to complete the level. When you start the level, you have one target on the map:It's encryption is too strong to be decrypted by default. You can risk a trace, or, if you look at the level intro text, and the message, that arrives after the level is started, you can discover a new host:Hack it.

Connect to, and look inside the files. Inside named.conf, you will find a reference to atm-3.sdb.ch. Hack it and transfer the money from it. (You can also download a good exploit: x-filemanager.exploit)Use the exploit to hack the service running on port 181 onYou can use atm-3.sdb.ch and, to setup a bounced link,and hack into.Now, connect to on port 180, and look inside the callrecords file.You will notice a data call lasting 30 minutes, exactly the duration of the attack.The number is: 555-3234-1122Next connect on port 181, and look inside the callconfig file. You will notice the logic of modem hosts, associated with phone numbers:Run a scan on.Your first objective is now completed.Next, hack into and the connect to it. In the modem.conf file, you will find a reference to.

Scan it and hack it.Connect toDownload the worldmed-dna.seq file.Your second objective is now completed.Delete the worldmed-dna.seq file and your third objective is completed.Make sure your trace level is reduced below 10%, to be able to finish the level. When you start the level, you receive a hint that you should have started this yesterday.Today is the 29th, so is the entry in the maze.

Hack it, and the first objective is completed.Connect toLook inside the hint-28 file. There is a hint to download it. Download it, and you will receive a message. You will notice the number 24 in the message. Your next host is:.Hack it, and the second objective is completed.Connect to Look inside the hint file, and try to find the next 2 digits.You will notice it's 26, from this line:if $? -ne b26/b ; thenecho 'Failed';exit -1;fi;echo 'OK';echo 'Connect';nice 26 pppd call adsl updetachif $?

-ne 0 ; thenecho 'Connexion failed';exit -1;fi;The next server is. Hack it, and the 3rd objective is completed.Connect to and look inside the hint file. You have a matrix:// The column that has the smallest number and// the line that has the biggest number, are your next step in the maze6 2 3 4 5 35 4 5 6 3 33 3 6 4 5 46 6 5 4 4 35 3 4 5 3 64 6 6 5 5 47 3 4 4 5 6The smallest numbers is 2, on column 2. The biggest numbers i 7, on line 7So, the next server is:Hack it, and the fourth objective is completed. This server also contains a hint to. Hack it, and grab the money from there.If you look inside the hint file on, and solve the math code, the result will be 22, so the next server is.

Hack it, and your fifth objective is completed.Connect to and look inside the hint file.There is a riddle:'If you add the next server's digits, the result will be half the number of servers in the maze'There are 16 server in the maze.Half, is 8.The only server which's sum of digits it's 8, is:Hack it, and download the dnaseq-35 file.The sixth objective and the game level are now completed. After starting the level, you receive a message. Notice the hostname in the email address:Hack it, and transfer the money from there. Use the money to reduce your trace level.Connect to.

Look inside the named.conf file. You will notice a link to:Also, download the nameservices.exploit file.Decrypt.

Use the exploit to hack the service on port 53. Crack the password on port 80.Connect to and look in the cache file.You will find the 4 firewalls, and their order (notice the word REVERSE).The correct order to hack them is:Hack all 4 firewalls.When you connect to the last firewall, you will notice a hint to.

Decrypt it.Next, concatenate the strings from the 4 messages to obtain the password, and use it to hack into:login ttyy3322xxzz4455uupp8888kkcc7777connect to and download: ttyy3322xxzz4455uupp8888kkcc7777.binYour first objective is now completed.Next, delete ttyy3322xxzz4455uupp8888kkcc7777.bin from.The game is now completed. For those having issues- cash, trace and gear carry over.This includes from the tutorial!If you follow the tutorial instructions directly, you will incur a 50% trace-alert penalty on your first command!So restart the tutorial after having done it once, remember the atm. Server name and go from there - much better starting position!Also try to hold off on transferring cash until near the end of levels, where you know how many bounces you can safely use to maximise into a single transfer, or at most 2 (instead of incurring the 3% trace multiple times for a lot of small transfers.Similarly you have to be connected to a cash source to do a transfer, meaning it can't be used for a bounce. As such while still use your 3 or 2 bounce remaining servers as priority, if you have to use a 1-0, make sure it's the one with the most cash on it first since it can't be used to boost its own cash transfer.