Super Scribblenauts Unlimited

CreaturesHydra (Hostile creature)Medusa (Hostile creature)Kappa (Creature)Ahool (Hostile creature)Cthulhu (Hostile creature)Chimera (Hostile creature)Tacgnol (Creature)Hercules (Creature)Feep (Half robot, half zombie creature)Chupacabra (Creature)Santa (Friendly creature)Shambler (Aggressive creature)Ooze (Aggressive creature)Necromancer (Aggressive creature)Burning Man (Aggressive creature)Unicorn (Friendly creature)Titan (Creature)War (Aggressive creature)Pestilence (Aggressive creature) (Add the adjective 'dancing' and his head will turn upside down.). VehiclesMech (Robotic vehicle)Roflcopter (Flying vehicle)Time Machine (Machine)Killdozer (Durable machine)Hover Tank (Floating vehicle)Magic Broomstick (Flying vehicle)Crane Helicopter (Flying vehicle) (Can be attached to other objects.)Hoverboard (Floating vehicle)Coleopter (Flying vehicle)After Burner (Flying vehicle)Blimp (Flying vehicle)UFO (Flying vehicle)Unicycle (Vehicle)Shopping Cart (Vehicle)Rocket Car (Fast vehicle)Rocket Boots (Flying vehicle)Pogo Stick (Vehicle)Ghost Ship (Vehicle)Bullet Train (Vehicle).

Yep, any 'Living starite' practically follows you around.Another neat objective is the 'Dense' and 'Lightweight' objectives.Dense makes 'Immovable' objects (Such as clouds, celestial objects) able to have gravity effects, when applied to NPCs, they naturally sink in water, and have weight to them, same for vehicles.If applied to the player, your initial running speed is slower, but once you start going to full runspeed, you end up taking a bit longer to stop moving, but you also jump far less high.Not much of a practical reason to add it to your character. Lightweight on the other hand does the opposite, It makes objects extremely light.A 'Small' or 'Shrunken' player character + Lightweight makes balloons able to give you a high jump, or a glide-jump, very useful and fun to mess around with.

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An underdetermined system can have infinitely many solutions or no solution. Null vector symbol. Find one particular solution to an underdetermined system, and then obtain the general form for all solutions.Underdetermined linear systems Ax = b involve more unknowns than equations. When the system has infinitely many solutions, they all lie on a line.

It also makes objects, namely throwables extremely easy to fling across the map.(Warning: If you're avatar is small, like mine is, don't give yourself the small prefix, size does matter here!)Another useful object is the Maelstrom, due to the fact it's similar to a blackhole, but not deadly. Careful though, it pulls you in too.

To do:How do you access these?There are three unused levels that were cut from the game. The collision data and entity indexes can be found in the 'pmindexforcode' xml file. Unnamed Stadium Level (along with a lava variant and a water variant). Unnamed Mall level (Used in the Wii U version, but scrapped from PC). 'kristjanshomestead'Note that loading these levels normally might crash the game, as they do not have proper introduction cutscenes.Stadium LevelThis unused level is fairly feature complete, with merits and a functioning mission. On the other hand, it doesn't have a proper background set up to it, but the collision works. Early promotional map showing the mall level, with The Underline out of place.

Mission against terror system requirements. It will be hard to get bored with Mission Against Terror, given its large variety of game modes and maps.Mission Against Terror has simple game controls that anyone can pick up quickly. Where Mission Against Terrors shines is when you get to their unique game modes, like Dragon Emperor Mode and Hide and Seek.

Mall LevelThis level is present in the Wii U version of the game as Punctuation Plaza. It was a place where you could share and download other people's creations, and even give them a rating! The Mall was also supposed to appear in the PC version, however, it was cut very late in development and was replaced with the Steam Workshop, which is basically the same thing.Unlike the stadium level, only the collision and the background of the map work, no missions or people are present.kristjanshomestreadkristjanshomestread is a simple test map, presumably created by and named after Kristjan Palsson, a 5th Cell employee. This level is so simple that it's just a small cluster of objects, a Hydra, a castle, some clouds and a Starite.Oddities My AdjectivesThere are a few objects in the game titled '$MYADJECTIVES'. Whatever they were meant for is a mystery, as there is no mention of custom adjectives or anything related to it. However, it doesnt do anything.