Harvest Moon Ds Walkthrough

Hi this his ds girl this is the first time i have ever written a harvest moon walkthrough this is all the basic little bits and a few cheats in with the credits are at the end and my email address if you have any questions on harvest moon i hope this helps there are key information below where the things are.

Marriage RequirementsBridesMarriage is optional, but if you want to get married there are some milestones you must pass first. In addition to viewing your prospective mates heart events, you also need to raise her heart level to red. Her heart turns red at 60,000 love points earned. Giving her gifts she loves is the easiest way to raise her love points.

Online Piece of advice to the developers – Silent is golden (especially when you can’t afford original sound tracks and good voice actors!) But i’ll overlook this for now since it’s still in betaThere are also some special modes in addition to the good old fashion DM and TDM, they look fresh at first but feels gimmicky after a while, so i dont have much to say about them (and i wont comment on the cheaters and hackers either). And the MGS and pirates of the caribbean BGM rips just feel out of place. I was pwning noobs armed with M134 heavy machine guns with my lousy handgun, and it felt great when i looted their M134 and used it against them when they respawn 😀And like what some anonymous guy mentioned earlier on this page, bug is a huge issue, but they dont really affect gameplay that much (except for one where i fell off the ground after i got killed and couldnt respawn, but that only happened once.).The sound also fails miserably in this game, the voiceover is downright horrible, I would have preferred it if they’d used text instead.

Only one Item a day counts towards her love points so if you have extra Items save them for the next day.You also need to upgrade your house and buy items from the shopping channel. You must Have purchased enough to get the bigh bed in your home.You have to have brought back the harvest goddess. In order to for her to return you need to have found 60 of the harvest sprites.When your close to being able to propose, the blue feather becomes available at the supermarket. Make sure once you have it you hold onto it, if you accidentally drop it you can not buy a new one. Oven RecipesBacked corn- cornToasted Rice Balls- RiceballsRoasted Rice Cake- Rice CakeBaked Yam- YamToast- BreadJam Bun- Milk + egg +jamDinner Roll- Egg+ Milk + ButterPizza- Cheese + Flour + KetchupDoria- Onion + Butter + Milk + Rice Balls + FlourGratin- Onion + Butter + Milk + Cheese + FlourBuckwheat Ball- Egg + Flour + Buckwheat FlourSweet Potatoes- Egg + Butter + YamCookies- Butter + Cookie + ChocolateCake- Egg + Flour + Butter + FruitChocolate Cake- Egg + Flour + Butter + Chocolate+ FruitCheese Cake- Egg + Cheese + MilkApple Pie- Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour. LuminaLumina is Romana's Granddoughter and lives in the Villa.

She is an acomplished pianist but doesn't have a lot of life experience. She loves Relax tea and hates Elli leaves.Rival - RockHeart events:Enter the Villa between 4:00 P.M.

And 8:00 p.m. You find Lumina arguing with remana. Choose that Romana is wrong.Purple - After you purchase the DVD player and some DVD's from Van, Lumina comes by the farm and asks to watch them.Blue - Go to the Harvest Goddess pond between 1 p.m. And 8 p.m., Lumina has lost her necklace and asks you to help her find it.Yellow - Visit Lumina in her room at the Villa between 9 p.m.

You find her waiting for Van to deliver her very own DVD player. The Witch PrincessTo win the heart of the Witch Princess, you need to be a mischievous and careless farmer.

You must in fact, pass out one hundred times before she considers marrying you. Her favorite gift is Rainbow Curry.Rival - noneHeart events:Black - Visit the Witch Princess at her home, between six a.m and midnight.Purple - Go to the harvest goddess pond between 6 a.m.

And midnight to trigger this event, you also must have littred ten times, neglected at least fifty of your sick animals, offered a poisonous mushroom 5 times at the harvest festival, tried to leave at least five times, and have given the witch princess ten or more presents.Blue - After you have given the witch princess one hundred gifts, visit her at home between six a.m and midnight.Yellow- After you learn the recipe for Elli Leaves, empty your rucksack and head over to her house between six a.m. And midnight.Rainbow curry: blue curry+green curry+red curry+ yellow curry+orange curry+purple curry+indigo curry+curry rice.

NamiNami, is a hardend world traveler who seems to have not much interest in making friends. You'll know once you've goten on her sweet side as her sarcasm is replaced with caring. Her favorite gift is gratin but be sure not to give her grape jam.Nami also likes plain grabs, gems, and other stuff.Heart Events:Black - On a rainy Tuesday go to the Inner Inn - ring the front desk bell until Nami comes out and gives you her two cents.Purple - Go to the Inner Inn between six a.m. And noon, Nami asks you about farming.Blue - Nami will visit your farmYellow - In the spring exit your house between six a.m. And noon, Nami asks you on a date.Gratin is made with onion+butter+milk+cheese+flower. CeliaCelia is one of the easier girls to court in the Valley. She doesn't need to be impressed by fancy gifts and doesn't require much maintenance.

Bring her cake and she'll be happy, be sure to not give her pickles though.Rival-MarlinHeart Events:Black - Visit Vesta's house between 6 p.m. On any day except Monday. See Celia trying to help Vesta out with the dishes.

Choose tell the tuth.Purple - Go to the goddess pond bewteen 3 p.m. On any day except Monday.

She will ask you to walk her home.Blue - Go to doctor Hardy's clinic on a rainy day between 6 a.m. And noon.Yellow- Go drinking at the Blue Bar when Celia and Griffen are inside. The Harvest GoddessGetting the Harvest Goddess to marry you is no easy task. You must find all 101 of the harvest sprites, ship over 10,000 pices of produce, give her 500 gifts, and find one of every item in the mines.

In addition, you must also be in your 5th year of the game play, have shipped at least 1 of every item, and have found the super field behinde the waterfall. The Harvest Goddes Loves Strawberries and be sure not to give her Chocolate.Rival-NoneHeart events:Black- unlock 60 harvest spritesPurple- walk 10,000 steps, ship 10,000 produce items, catch 10,000 fish, reach the 10th floor of the first mine, and then trow an item into the Gdoddes Pond.Blue- Unlock all 9 harvest sprite station channels, visit the witch princess and throw an item into her pond.Yellow- give her at least 500 gifts then throw an item into her pond. LeiaTo meet Leia, you must be good enough friends with Darryl to be invited into his basment for a tour. When you are down there you are introduced to Leia. When she returns to the ocean look for her along the beach on Wednesdays after midnight. Make sure you have a pond before you propose.

She loves large fish and sashimi and dislikes preety much every thing else, especially weeds.Rival-DarrylHeart events:Black- Raise Daryll's friendship level to 100 and he will invite you on a tour. Leai will introduce herself to you.Purple - On your way past Darryl's house you overhear a conversation and draw the wrong comclusion.Blue - Head to Daryyl's basment and assist Leia with a cooking experiment.Yellow - Take her the message in a bottle that you find and she will return to the ocean.

MuffyMuffy works and lives at the Blue Bar. She is cute and cheerful young women and loves receving gifts that you find around the Valley. Her fovorite gift is home made apple pie but you can get by on giving her the jewlery you dig up at the dig site. Be sure not to give her small fish because it does not impress her.Rival-GriffinHeart events:Black - Head over to the Blue Bar between 3 p.m. And 5 p.m.Purple - Visit the beach on any rainy day other then Wendsday between 10 a.m.

Muffy asks for your advice about a problem she has.Blue - go to the blue Bar between 6 p.m. On any day exept Wednesday. There is a new menu item for sale and she wants you to try it.Yellow - Enter your house then exit it on a summer day between 6:00 a.m.

Muffy asks you on a date. KeriaKeria lives on the 255th floor of the second mine. Though not quite as difficult to marry as the Harvest Goddess, it is a very big comitment to try for her love. Her favorite gift is Golden Lumber and she despises Rice balls.Heart Events:Black - Dig your way to the 255th floor of the 2 mine and give her Ulitimate Curry.Purple - Head down to the second mine again, when you get to her give her relax tea.Blue - Go to her room, there is a sign next to her bed that will tell you that she wants a jewel, and that jewel is random, so you might want to bring one of each with you.Yellow - Take Keria her Favorite Golden Lumber.

FloraFlora works at the dig site with carter. She's not a great cook but appreciates a good home cooked meal, especially if you prepared it for her. Flora likes Rainbow Curry the most and absolutely hates red grass.Heart Events:Black - Visit the dig site between 10 p.m. And midnight to view this event.

A maze mapping tool for those in search of the Lucid Nightmare. These map's should give you a rough idea of where everything is located and how to get there. Map's Beautified map. Click the 'View photo details' button to the right and then 'Full Resolution', alternatively for a large but not full res view, just click the image. This is DHex's Endless-Online. Endless online map.

Flora thinks you are a suspicious person for visiting so late.Purple - Go to the Inn on any other Tuesday between 11 a.m. Flora thinks the Inn sells her favorite drink, but it does not.Blue - Walk into the dig site area between 9:00 a.m. On any day exept Monday.

Flora has discovered the hot springs and wants to share them with you.Yellow- Go to the dig site any day but Tuesday. Flora will share her deep thoughts.Harvest Moon DS Unlockables.

Earning Quick MoneyOne of the most common question is in reguards to making fast money,especially at the beginning of the game. The 500 G you get at thestart is just enough to purchase a few bags of seeds and that'sabout it.Ship Wild GrassesThere are 10 fields in the valley and each one can sprout colored wild grassesevery day. The grasses are 100 G or more a piece, and you're bound to find atleast 10 a day.Sell Casino PrizesAfter Spring 08, you can unlock the in the backroom of the Sprite Company Tree. You may haveto exchange some of your Gold for Medals, but when you start earning more Medalsvia the card games you can spend the Medals on prizes.The cheapest item youcan earn is the Teleport Stone for 1000 Medals, and then the Truth Bangle for2000 Medals.

Trade your Medals for the items and wait for Van to set up shopat the Inn on every 3rd and 8th day of the season. Van will give you about5000 G for the Teleport Stone, and at least 11,000 G for the Truth Bangle! Onceyou sell them to Van they will reappear at the Casino, so you can repeat theprocess all over again.

Even the Red Cloak for 65,535 Medals can be sold toVan for over 400,000 G.In the girl version of HMDS, the Love Bangle, Truth Bangle, Red Cloak,Godhand, and Miracle Glove prizes can not be sold to Van.You can sell the Teleport Stone and Relaxtea Leaves though.Save/Reload at the Excavation SiteIf you take your Hoe to the ground inside the excavation site, you can findsmall bags of money (3 - 10 gold each) and jewelry that sells for 2000 G apiece. When you dig in the ground you exhaust your Stamina and get veryfew pieces of jewelry to sell for all the work you do.To conserve your Stamina, enter the excavation site and then save your game.Start digging around until you find a piece of jewelry (Earrings, Broach,Bracelet, or Necklace), then reload your saved game. After you have reloadedjust walk to the spot in the excavation site where you found the jewelry anddig it up with one hit of your Hoe.

Then just save your game again, dig arounduntil you find another piece, and reload just like before. Every time you exitthe excavation site the items in the ground will reset.

You could spend thewhole day digging up little jewels of 2000 G and not exhaust yourself! Youcan also find Skin Lotion, Sunblock, Facial Pack, and Dress that sell forabout 50 G each.Sell fish to VanSeems as though Van has a thing for small fish. Normally you can ship the fishfor 50 G each to Thomas, but if you sell them to Van when he is in town you can earnabout 250 G per fish!CheatsIf you feel that you just can't make enough money the normal way and youneed to resort to exploiting bugs in the game, there are a few things youcan do to earn a hefty profit.1 Billion G glitchDuring the winter season, hire the Fishing team to work at the Ocean.

Eachday they are working you have a chance of randomly being rewarded with1 billion gold. You only have to check your Farm Assets screen to see ifyou have magically been gifted.Unlimited woolSheering wool can be a tedious task if you're trying to unlock members ofthe red sprite team, but there is athat will allow you infinite amounts of fuzzy goodness.Both of these cheats have been corrected in the girlversion of Harvest Moon DS. You will have to earn your money in Harvest Moon DSCute the old fashion way; by actually farming.